35 calories per cup. Not per molecule.

The snack aisle is full of “Extreme!” flavors and nutritional panels that read like they’re a recipe for plastic. Our target audience, however—smart, funny, health-conscious women—likes their ingredients the way they like their brand personalities. Non-fake.

So Angie’s created a snack that’s 35 calories a cup, made with all natural ingredients.

Like the product itself, the brand is light, fun and unconventional. 

We included hidden gems of wisdom beneath the flap of each bag. The one pictured above: “All any girl ever wants in life is graceful acceptance of her fifth grade haircut.”

That one hit so close to home it hurt. My hairstyle in second grade was so bad, I was still hearing about it in high school. (And my fifth-grade one wasn’t much better.)

These little suckers were for trade show booths and in-store displays.

Pretty soon, the brand got picked up by Target, where I excitedly took pictures of it like a big nerd every time I walked by.